Monday, February 6, 2012

Painted Wood Floors

I have been threatening to “rip out” all of the carpet in my house since the day we moved in…8 years ago! I love hardwood floors! I would be most happy in a house with no carpet at all…just some lovely area rugs over beautiful hardwood floors.

Recently, I have seen some painted wood floors that are so lovely you may not want to cover them with anything at all…

dens/libraries/offices - oatmeal linen slipper chair caster legs linen pillow white antique desk vanity wicker chair silver candle buffet lamps mirror painted white wood floor pink throw attic office

diamonds Painted Floors. It Can Be Done.

From stripes to solids to patterns, the possibilities are endless, and the look is fabulous!
No need to stop at the floors…why not continue up the stairs too!

So tell me…is this a look you like?
Is it something you would attempt to do yourself?


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