Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Blooms…Hydrangeas

My favorite summer flower has to be Hydrangeas. I love them outside in the yard…

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I love clipping them and bringing them inside too…

Elle Décor

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Now for the bad news…I have several large Hydrangea shrubs in my own yard and although they are very healthy plants…they don’t produce any blooms!



I actually got lucky this year and did get a few flowers on one of the plants…


I am so disappointed! I am not a master gardener by any means…but I am able to grow beautiful blooms as proven by my Iris garden shared in this post


So…what I am doing wrong?? I have looked up several websites on Hydrangea care and tried several remedies…feeding, pruning tips, etc. Still, little to no luck…


Do you have Hydrangeas in your yard? Do you have some secret tips for producing the beautiful blooms?

Please share!!


  1. My favorite too! However, this heat has gotten the best of ours for the summer. They are beautiful in spring though. They bloom off dead wood, so be careful when pruning them not to take off too much.

  2. Wish I could help but I have had bad luck with mine as well...see this post :)

  3. I have 3 hydrangea bushes in my yard and none seem particularly happy this year. If you find out the best solution, let me know!

  4. Beautiful photos! I was wanting to put in hydrangea shrubs, but now, maybe not. If it's temperamental, it doesn't belong at our house!

  5. Totally agree. They are my favorite too. We have tons of them, but with this horrible drought and high temps they have not done well. Too bad too because they looked wonderful this spring. :( Maybe next year.

  6. These are my favorite!! I have heard coffee grounds work! Here is a link you'll enjoy!

  7. I wish I could offer you some advice. They're obviously healthy, so that seems strange that they haven't produced any blooms. I have a bunch of gladiolus in my yard that are the same way. They are full of healthy leaves, but no blooms.

  8. The guy at the nursery here in Berkeley told me to add acid to the soil and I bought a fertilizer with a high acid content. They did well this year but not sure if that's why. They didn't bloom at all last year so don't give up hope!

  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessed with hydrangeas! I didn't used to like them very much from a distance, but a few years ago started to appreciate their beautiful blooms up close. I just had success rooting some hydrangea branches in my back yard, so sometime in the next few years I'll have my own (tiny) bushes!

    Having said that, obviously I can't offer any real advice for your unblooming hydrangeas. Do they get the appropriate amount of sun?

    Erin @ The Great Indoors
